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Proclamation In Recognition of Small Business Saturday 2024


 In Recognition of

Small Business Saturday 2024

Upper Darby Township, Pennsylvania


small businesses are the backbone of our local economy, creating jobs, fostering innovation, and enriching the unique character of our community; and


small businesses contribute significantly to the quality of life for all residents and strengthen the social and economic fabric of Upper Darby Township; and


Upper Darby Township is committed to supporting local businesses and recognizing their vital role in sustaining a thriving and vibrant community; and


Small Business Saturday, held on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, encourages people across the country to support local businesses by shopping small and making a positive impact on their communities; and


shopping locally ensures that more of every dollar spent stays within the community, helping to fund public services, schools, and infrastructure;

Now, Therefore,

I, Ed Brown, Mayor, do hereby proclaim Saturday, November 30, 2024 as Small Business Saturday in Upper Darby Township, and I urge all residents to join me in supporting our local businesses by shopping small and recognizing their invaluable contributions to our community.

Small Business Saturday – Saturday, November 30th, 2024

In Witness Whereof,

I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of Upper Darby Township to be affixed this 20th day of November, 2024

More: Proclamations