Sign Up Today to VOLUNTEER to install Smoke Detectors in the Cardington Section of Upper Darby - Saturday, April 20th - 9am - 2pm

Sign Up Today to VOLUNTEER to install Smoke Detectors in the Cardington Section of Upper Darby - Saturday, April 20th - 9am - 2pm

Saturday April 20th, the American Red Cross has partnered up with the Upper Darby Township Fire Department to canvas and blitz the Cardington Area of Upper Darby (near 69th street), with smoke alarm installations and fire safety and preparedness education. Learn how you can VOLUNTEER by scanning the QR code or visiting

Don't worry, if you don't live in Cardington and are in a different part of Upper Darby, you are still able to get free smoke us at Fire HQ (610)-734-7673 to sign up to get your free smoke detector installed in your home.

We would like to get as many volunteers as possible to support this event to promote more Red Cross events in other parts of our community.

Sign Up Today to VOLUNTEER to install Smoke Detectors i
n the Cardington Section of Upper Darby - Saturday, April 20th - 9am - 2pm

Saturday April 20th, the American Red Cross has partnered up with the Upper Darby Township Fire Department to canvas and blitz the Cardington Area of Upper Darby (near 69th street), with smoke alarm installations and fire safety and preparedness education. Learn how you can VOLUNTEER by scanning the QR code or visiting

Don't worry, if you don't live in Cardington and are in a different part of Upper Darby, you are still able to get free smoke us at Fire HQ (610)-734-7673 to sign up to get your free smoke detector installed in your home.

We would like to get as many volunteers as possible to support this event to promote more Red Cross events in other parts of our community.

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