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Mayor's Message - February 14, 2024

Mayor’s Message to Council

Mayor Ed Brown

February 14, 2024

Good evening President Tunis, Vice-President Haman, Council, Administration and the Public.  Tonight’s special meeting was called to ensure that our millage rate, trash fee, and sewer fee are passed correctly. If these three ordinances are passed tonight then the property tax bills will be dated February 20, 2024 which will make the discount period available through April 20th and face value due by June 20th. After June 20th the normal 10% penalty for late property taxes will be in effect. The trash and sewer fees would also be due on June 20th. This year you will also have the option for online payment for current year property tax, sewer, and trash. Instructions will be included in your bill. 

Upper Darby Summer Stage Registration is now open and I’d like to remind residents that the Township sponsors the full registration cost for our residents. Simply go to and you will be asked for residency information to waive your registration fee. There are programs for students who have completed 4th grade through high school.

This Monday, February 19th is a Township Holiday. Monday’s Trash and Recycling will be collected on Wednesday, February 21st. Wednesday’s recycling will be collected on Tuesday for Area 1 and that Friday for area 2. The full calendar is available on the Township website:

I’d like to start by talking about the recent developments in the surrounding area, particularly the two police officers shot in the course of their duties. Officer David Schiazza, Lansdowne Borough Police Department and Officer Rob Meehan, East Lansdowne Police Department are both heroes and I’m happy that they are now at home convalescencing with their families. I am proud that UD Officers played a major role in the fact that these officers are now home safely with their families. I’m sure that I speak for everyone when I say that we truly appreciate all officer’s service and dedication to their craft. I had the fortune and honor last week to accompany Superintendent Bernhardt in going down to Penn Presbyterian hospital to greet both officers as they were discharged from the hospital and given a well-deserved heroes' motorcade and escort home. It was great to see the genuine brotherhood and sisterhood that exists in the police ranks as officers came from near and far to greet their fellow heroes.  I was proud to see it and be a part of it.  We will be planning a proper acknowledgement for the heroes in our Police Department and thanking them for their excellent work and heroics in the very near future.  

Next, I want to thank you for your patience as we develop our business rhythm and fine tune our operations and Administration that allows people to play to their strengths. We’ve had a lot of meetings so we appreciate you hanging in there with us. You all deserve the very best execution that we can deliver and we are working hard to quickly get there. We will take a big step towards that regard in a couple of weeks when Mr. Crandall Jones starts as our CAO.  He has been spending time with me in the Township on Fridays the last couple of weeks to get the lay of the land and quickly get up to speed.  Even after he joins our team, that doesn’t mean that everyone will agree with every decision that we make and that’s okay.  You are allowed to disagree.  Nevertheless, we will communicate, be transparent and accountable for everything that we do and for that you are welcome to hold us accountable.   A thorough review of the Township’s operations including all departments, personnel, finances, processes, procedures continues and we will share this critical data with the incoming CAO and establish the immediate, short-term, and long-term priorities for the Township.  

I talked last week in my Mayor’s message about working closely with this Council to develop a rapport and earn their respect.  I just want to share with the public my plan to put that into action.  When I served as the Upper Darby School Board  President, I created something called Friday Chats and it was essentially office hours that I carved out for my fellow Board members. This allowed me to stay in tune with my colleagues and answer any questions or concerns that they had or just to talk for a few minutes.  They understood that from 8am to 9:00 am, I was available for them and nothing else was on my plate.  I’d like to offer the same opportunity to Council and offer every Friday, 8:00 am to 9:00 am my availability for a quick call to chat.  This won’t be the only time that I will avail myself for Council and I will always do that as needed but this time is set aside for them.  I talk to the President Tunis and Vice-President Haman as the leaders of Council often but I want to ensure that the rest of Council has the same opportunities to engage.  I think that it is important so this begins on Friday, February 16th.  I hope to speak to as many Council members as possible.  

Next, I’d like to read the statement of condolence about Mr. Brian Sharif Taylor that I posted to my Mayoral page since he had many people that loved and cared about him.

I was saddened to learn last week of the passing of Brian Taylor, CEO of Taylor Made Vets. Every time we talked, it was a respectful conversation and I appreciated his commitment to bettering the lives of veterans based on his distinguished service in the Army. It was very apparent that he believed in his mission and was dedicated to helping others. 

I liked his demeanor and the fact that he always tried to deliver his message calmly and always focused on others rather than himself. I am certain that his legacy of service will live on through his many friends and family. May he rest in peace.

Thank you. President Tunis and Council, that completes my Mayor’s message.  

More: Mayor's Message