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Proclamation: International Mother Language Day


WHEREAS, the Township of Upper Darby is the home of diverse culture, heritage and rich traditions of its residents and the Township Administration considers it a high priority in promoting, protecting and preserving the linguistic diversity in the community that the City serves; AND

WHEREAS, the residents Upper Darby Area speak more than 70 native languages and dialects, within this very diverse, multicultural, multilingual and multiethnic community and the City recognizes that such diversity is so vital for the growth and prosperity of the thriving community; AND

WHEREAS, in November 1999, the General conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO), said in its resolution that 21st February of every year be proclaimed as the “International Mother Language Day” (IMLD) throughout the world to promote, protect and preserve all languages and to pay homage to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives on this very day in 1952 to retain the rights to use their mother language (Bengali, a.k.a. Bangla) as one of the national languages in the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh); AND 

WHEREAS, UNESCO in its resolution further said “Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage. All moves to promote the dissemination of mother tongues will serve not only to encourage linguistic diversity and multilingual education but also to develop fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions throughput the world and to inspire solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue”; AND

WHEREAS, language is fundamental to all communications and expressions, and these communications and expressions are critical for the growth and prosperity in human society. There is growing awareness that languages play vital role in developing good citizenship, social justice and equity in a diverse society through intercultural dialogue, and quality education for all; AND

WHEREAS, February 21 is being celebrated every year as the “International Mother Language Day” all over the world by the people of different origins and languages; AND

WHEREAS, “Friends of Bangla School Foundation” a non-profit (501-c3) organization along with School based IMLD Committees form a coalition to offer leadership in observing “International Mother Language Day” in the Greater Upper Darby Area to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism;  

THEREFORE, I, Edward Brown, Mayor of Upper Darby do hereby proclaim February 21, 2024 as the


and I encourage all residents and the students, teachers, administrators and staff members of all school districts to raise awareness for multiethnic and multilingual diversity, recognize rich cultural traditions and heritages of diverse communities, practice and promote all mother languages and thus ensure the “unity among diversity” in our society.


Edward Brown, Mayor

Upper Darby Township
 Delaware County, Pennsylvania

More: Proclamations