NEW: One Center Request Line: 610-734-7625

Mayor's Message - November 16, 2023

Good Evening Everyone,

Yesterday, the Wawa at Drexeline had its official opening ceremony. It’s a beautiful project on our western gateway which includes a walking path along Darby Creek and fantastic stormwater improvements along with gas pumps and the products we’ve pretty much all come to expect from Wawa.  Wawa has always been a great community partner to us as sponsors for various township events and as “good neighbors”. We’re happy this project is finished and we wish Wawa continued success as they take over the Eastern Seaboard.

Tonight I will be hosting a Town Hall on the proposed Earned Income Tax at 6pm here in this room. The meeting will be livestreamed and also archived on our township YouTube channel.  I’ve tried to answer as many questions as possible during the budget hearing last night and I look forward to answering questions tomorrow. On our township website is a list of Frequently Asked Questions which might be helpful.

This 1% EIT:

  • Allows for the hiring of 5 new police officers, including their salaries as well as immediate and long-term benefits 

  • Helps keep our seniors in their homes by moving the tax revenue from being property based to income based

  • Decreases our dependence on property taxes for revenue

  • Spreads the costs of municipal services more evenly among residents

  • Maintains our commitments to retirees’ pension and health care costs and addresses our long-term structural deficit 

  • Brings revenue back to Upper Darby that has for decades gone to other municipalities

There will be a Special Meeting on Wednesday, November 29, at 6 pm, for a hearing on the EIT ordinance.

Tomorrow Friday, November 17, around 10 am, the streetscaping project on 69th Street will officially kick off, jump started by the TD Bank grant awarded to the township earlier this year.  We are looking for volunteers to help with the tree plantings. Please call or email the One Center for more information. Also, two controller box paintings have recently been completed and are part of this TD Bank grant and they look fantastic!

Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 23. Please check the township website to see how your trash and recycling pick-ups are affected that week. Trash and recycling will be picked up on Black Friday, even though the township building will be closed.

Starting on Small Business Saturday, there will be no ticketing at meters and kiosks on Saturdays and Sundays through the end of this year.  Small businesses are the backbone of our local economy providing jobs and preserving our diverse community.  Please come out and support our local businesses this holiday season.  So, starting on Small Business Saturday, November 25, two days after Thanksgiving, there will be no ticketing at meters and kiosks on weekends through the end of this year.  There will still be ticketing for public safety violations such as parking in a fire zone or illegally parking in a handicap spot.

Yesterday, in the One Center we held a soft opening for our Office of Community and Cultural Affairs under the Leisure Services Department. Headed by Raya Fagg, this office will build our cultural and language capacity to more efficiently deliver municipal services and will work with existing and emerging local community groups to expand our partnerships throughout the township. 

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Mayor Barbarann Keffer

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