NEW: One Center Request Line: 610-734-7625

Mayor's Message 1/18/23

Good evening. 

I wanted to note that today is Councilor Michelle Billups’ birthday. Happy Birthday, Michelle. 

This afternoon, we held the ribbon cutting ceremony for the all new Upper Darby One Center. The center opened on the ground floor of the municipal building facing Garrett Road and is a great new resource for our community. The new space is ADA accessible and will assist us with providing world class constituent services to all our residents. I would like to thank all our township staff who made this project possible. 

Also, tomorrow, January 19th, we will be hosting a public meeting in the One Center from 7-9pm for community input on the all-wheels, ADA accessible Skatepark planned for Observatory Hill. We want to hear ideas from any Upper Darby residents who would like to come join us for a friendly discussion with 5th Pocket Skateparks, and Upper Darby Township. 

Lastly, tonight, we will be voting on the acquisition of a property on Wycombe avenue. I encourage council to vote yes on this ordinance as it will be a much needed public works location. Joe Martin, our Director of Public Works, is here tonight to speak on why this acquisition is so important. 

*Joe Martin Speaks* 

That concludes my message. Thank you. 

More: Current News Mayor's Message