NEW: One Center Request Line: 610-734-7625

Mayor's Message 1/4/23

Good evening and Happy New Year everyone. 

I’m excited to announce that the all new One Center will be opening this month, on January 18, on the ground floor of the municipal building. Just as Upper Darby is the “World In One Place,” the One Center will assist with all of our constituent services as a one-stop, ADA accessible space that shows Upper Darby is a world class provider of municipal services. I am so excited to be bringing this resource to our residents and thankful to our administrative team who have worked together to make this a reality. 

By way of a friendly reminder, next week, January 9-13th, Christmas trees will be collected along with the regular recycling.  Our public works staff chip the trees for mulch and they also  use the trees as part of an innovative streambank restoration project near the Swedish Cabin.  Recycling the trees also keeps them out of the normal trash stream which helps our local environment as well as keeps costs down. Please consider recycling your Christmas Tree next week along with your regular recycling. Do not place it in a bag and ensure all decorations are removed. 

Our public works staff have also been doing great work renovating the Watkins Senior Center the past couple of weeks. The work will brighten the center for our seniors. To date, we have replaced our old ceiling tiles, repainted the walls and rewaxed our flooring. Thank you to our staff for your hard work and our residents for your patience while we make these improvements. 

I hope everyone had a relaxing and joyful holiday season and I look forward to what we will accomplish in 2023. 

Thank you. 

More: Current News Mayor's Message