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Mayor's Message 11/2/22

Good evening. 

I would like to apologize for being late tonight. I was on my back from Lancaster where I attended the 2022 Litter Summit. This event was sponsored and held in partnership with the PA department of environmental protection and the department of transportation, and it helps to bring together communities from across Pennsylvania who recognize that issues like litter are a national issue. I recognize that there are many in Upper Darby who care very deeply about keeping our community clean and litter free, so I was happy to attend this summit and learn more about what others in the state are doing to mitigate litter. 

Related to our waste, next week there are two township holidays and our trash and recycling schedules have been altered to accommodate them. There will be no recycling or yard waste collection next week, so please remember to put out your recycling and yard waste this week in preparation. For specific information on your altered trash schedule, please visit our website

We are actively working with our ARPA Administrator from UHY to create a fair and inclusive process for applying to nonprofit and small business grants funded through ARPA to ensure all community needs are met. We will continue to keep the community updated. 

As I said, the municipal building will be closed for two holiday’s next week. The first will be Tuesday, November 8th for the Pennsylvania General Election. I’d like to take the time now to encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. We will also be closed on Friday, November 11th in honor of Veteran’s Day. Thank you to all our veterans for your service. 

That concludes my message. Thank you. 

More: Current News Mayor's Message