Mayor's Message 2/17/2021

Mayor’s Message
February 17, 2021

Good evening everybody,

I have a couple of updates:  


My administration continues to aggressively pursue grants that will increase reinvestment in our community.  We recently applied for two multi-modal grants, one for the Bishop Avenue/Secane Train Station and one for Market Street at Powell Lane. We are working on an application for grant funding for upgrades to Observatory Park and Chapman Park.  

Tonight Council will vote on two important projects: the Drexeline development and the expanded parking lot at the Secane train station. We are glad to see redevelopment in our township and I support both these projects.


COVID-19 statistics are starting to improve in Delaware County, but we encourage everyone to remain vigilant by continuing to wear masks, washing your hands, and social distancing as much as possible. Now is not the time to let your guard down. Please contact the Delaware County Covid-19 Call Center at 484-276-2100 if you have any questions. The Call Center can also help you navigate which eligibility group you may be in for the COVID-19 vaccine, and how to register to receive the vaccine when the time comes.


We are preparing for another snow and ice storm that is due to start overnight tonight and will continue through tomorrow into Friday. Our crews have been out all day brining and preparing the roads. They will be salting and plowing as needed and as snow accumulates. As always, please take your time and be extra cautious if you have to travel while it is snowing or sleeting. Non-essential travel is discouraged during these times and we appreciate your cooperation in helping to keep snow emergency routes clear. 


As a proud Cardinal O’Hara graduate and a Catholic myself, I know that Good Friday is a solemn Christian holy day and is important to many people. I hear the concerns that have been raised regarding the change on the Township trash and recycling calendar. The change on this calendar was implemented in order to be more inclusive and respectful of Upper Darby’s diverse community. We fully support the observation of Good Friday by everyone who chooses to do so.       

Thank you and have a great evening. 

More: Current News Mayor's Message