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Bill Gaul Day Proclamation

Bill Gaul Day Proclamation  

WHEREAS, Bill Gaul has been inducted into the Upper Darby School District alumni hall of fame and spent 16 years in service to the school board where he held both president and vice president positions; and  

WHEREAS, Through his membership with the Upper Darby Township Square Club, Bill Gaul was instrumental in raising over $250,000 for charitable programs within the Township; and 

WHEREAS,  Bill Gaul served nearly 40 years as the Upper Darby Township Emergency Management Coordinator, remaining on call 24/7 to assist in major emergencies while working with the Red Cross to assist residents of Upper Darby with whatever care was needed; and 

WHEREAS, Bill Gaul was hired in 2006 and spent the last 15 years as the Manager of Purchasing for the Upper Darby Township; and 

WHEREAS, Bill Gaul served his country in Vietnam, not only fulfilling his military duties, but by volunteering in a Vietnamese orphanage and teaching English in a Vietnamese Civilian School; and

WHEREAS, With his good humor and dedication, Bill Gaul has enriched the lives of those other Upper Darby Township employees who’ve had the opportunity to work alongside him during his time here. 

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim January 19th, 2022 as

Bill Gaul Day

in Upper Darby and urge our community to show their appreciation for all Bill has done in his years of service. 




Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

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