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Barbara Benglian Day Proclamation

Barbara Benglian Day Proclamation 

WHEREAS, In 1970, Barbara Benglian graduated from West Chester University with her degree in music education and received her masters from West Chester in 1973; and

WHEREAS, Barbara Benglian dedicated nearly 52 years to serving the children of Upper Darby through her work as the choral director for Upper Darby High School, Junior High, Drexel Hill Middle School, Highland Park Elementary, and Bywood Elementary; and 

WHEREAS, Barbara Benglian was awarded the Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year for 2006 for her service at Upper Darby High School, the largest high school in Pennsylvania; and 

WHEREAS, Student performances directed by Barbara Benglian, such as the annual concert at  St. Dorothy’s locally, regionally at the Kimmel Center and Longwood Gardens, and nationally including the JFK Memorial Library & Museum in Boston and the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., have enriched our community; and

WHEREAS, Barbara Benglian pushed her students to raise the bar everyday and taught them not just about music, but about life; and 

WHEREAS, The Township of Upper Darby would like to offer its thanks and acknowledge Barbara Benglian for all the enrichment she brought to the lives of her students and this community for nearly 52 years.   

NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby Township, do hereby proclaim January 21, 2022 as

Barbara Benglian Day

in Upper Darby and urge our community to show our appreciation for everything she has contributed to the community. 



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

More: Current News Proclamations