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Veteran's Day 2021 Proclamation

Veterans Day Proclamation  

WHEREAS, on November 11 of each year, we come together as a community and as a nation to observe Veterans Day and to pay tribute to the service of the brave individuals who have defended our country in times of conflict and peace;

WHEREAS, the theme for Veterans Day 2021 is “Honoring All Who Served.” All veterans make a sacrifice to serve their country, whether physically, emotionally, or by being away from their loved ones and missing important life moments; and

WHEREAS, 2021 also marks the centennial commemoration of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Located at Arlington National Cemetery, the Tomb was initially dedicated by the Army on Armistice Day, November 11, 1921, with the burial of an unknown service member from World War I. Over the past century, additional unknown individuals have been buried at the Tomb, and the site has become a people’s memorial that inspires reflection on veterans’ service, valor, and sacrifice; and   

WHEREAS, we are proud to recognize and honor all past and present Upper Darby residents who are veterans, and we are grateful for their selfless service to our community and our country. We also appreciate all of the veterans’ organizations in Upper Darby, including the American Legion Post 214, the Archer Epler VFW Post 979, and the Marine Corps League 884 Upper Darby Detachment.


NOW, THEREFORE I, Barbarann Keffer, Mayor of Upper Darby, along with Township Council, do hereby proclaim November 11, 2021, as  

Veterans Day 

in Upper Darby and encourage the entire community to recognize and participate in its observance.



Barbarann Keffer, Mayor

Upper Darby Township

Delaware County, Pennsylvania

More: Proclamations