NEW: One Center Request Line: 610-734-7625

General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
100 Garrett Rd
Suite 306
Upper Darby,

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 4:30pm

Event Permits

Welcome to the Upper Darby Township Event Permit Page

The Upper Darby Department of Leisure Services, specifically the Recreation Department (UDRec), is responsible for the processing of event permits such as block parties, special community events, parades, awareness runs/walks and film projects in the Township of Upper Darby.  UDRec is tasked with receiving and vetting applications for small and large-scale events within the Township of Upper Darby as well as consulting with event permit applicants to ensure that industry standards, safety regulations, and township ordinances are followed and met.

Special Events Committee

Once an event permit application is received and logged, it moves on to the vetting process via the Special Events Committee.  The Special Events Committee is a group of representatives from various township departments, including but not limited to Police, Fire, Public Works, Leisure Services and the office of the CAO.  These representatives work to ensure proper planning, coordination, and execution of all events. Some of the responsibilities of this committee are to:

  • ensure the application has been submitted on time
  • confirm the application has been completed in it's entirety and is legible (if using a paper form)
  • verify that any additional documents required to be submitted have been received
  • confirm the date and location requested are available (if applicable)
  • ensure proper procedures are being followed
  • ensure that any township resources needed are properly allocated and not over-booked
  • check for permit violations from prior events
  • check for any potential safety concerns that could occur at the proposed event

If the committee feels it is necessary, they may request a meeting with the applicant to further discuss the event.

When the committee has finalized the review process, the applicant will receive an e-mail from UDRec regarding the outcome of their request.

Requirements for all Event Permit Requests (click event type below for specific requirements relevant to that type of event)

  • Applications must be submitted at least forty-five (45) days in advance of the event date
  • Applications must be complete and legible (if using a paper form)
  • Applications can be submitted online or on paper.  Paper applications can be dropped off, mailed or e-mailed to

Event Permit Costs (if required)

Police Department
Hourly Rate
Overtime Rate

*Rates are subject to change

Public Works
RankHourly RateOvertime Rate

*Rates are subject to change

Area of Note:

Unpermitted event activity.  If an event, that requires a permit, is held on township property without a permit, the event can be ended by the police department if necessary.  The host or applicant of the unpermitted event will also be charged a fine of $_________.

Deviation of permitted activity.  If an event is found to have violated the conditions of the permit, the applicant could be charged a fine of $________ for doing so.  If the violation of the permit is egregious or intentional, the Special Events Committee reserve the right to deny future permit requests from the applicant, organization/business and/or for the specific event.

Types of Events

Please click on your selection below to be brought to that event page.

Community Events and Recreation Calendar