Traffic Calming

Upper Darby Township’s Traffic Calming Policy is designed to address traffic concerns in residential areas of the Township, such as speeding or cut-through traffic. The Township's traffic calming program, working in cooperation with neighborhoods, promotes the preservation of the residential character of the Township's neighborhoods and helps to improve the overall quality of life.

Click HERE to download the Traffic Calming Policy Presentation, delivered before the Council at the July 24th Council Meeting

Click HERE to view the Traffic Calming Policy

Below is a brief summary of the traffic calming process, with download links to applicable forms required to submit a request for a traffic calming device.


Step 1: Inquiry 

Initial contact made by specifically affected property owners inquiring about traffic calming; petitions, forms, and other documents will be available for distribution, or the Township itself identifies an area that may benefit from traffic calming measures.

Download the Traffic Calming Permit Application here: UDT Traffic Calming Permit Application

Step 2: Informational Presentation 

If requested by 50% of the specifically affected property owners, staff will schedule a preliminary meeting to present background information on traffic calming and explain the Township’s traffic calming policy. This will be a meeting open to the public.

To submit a petition for a public informational meeting, download the petition form below and return it completed to the Upper Darby Township Building (100 Garrett Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082).

UDT Traffic Calming Info Meeting Petition Form

***NOTE: The petitions in steps 2 and 3 are two separate petitions, and have different requirements.

Step 3: Petition

After staff reviews minimum petition requirements (75% of generally affected property owners) with residents, petition submitted.

To submit a petition to begin the traffic calming project, download the petition form below and return it completed to the Upper Darby Township Building (100 Garrett Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19082).

UDT Traffic Calming Petition Form

Step 4: Traffic studies

Accident history in the affected area is reviewed, and speed and volume traffic studies are performed.

Step 5: Develop Plan

A neighborhood traffic calming plan is developed by Township staff.

Step 6: Public Meeting

Public information meeting(s) held with all generally affected residents to disseminate information on proposed traffic calming plan and receive input, after which the neighborhood traffic calming plan will be finalized.

Step 7: Vote

Specifically affected property owners’ vote. 75% must vote in favor of project to proceed with implementation.

Step 8: Construction

If result of vote is favorable, at the Municipal Administrator’s discretion, the neighborhood traffic calming plan is placed on a schedule for the installation of the traffic calming features. The traffic calming plan will be constructed as funding allows, subsequent to Council passing a resolution in favor of implementing the plan.