Upper Darby Township Ordinance 3012 establishes minimum standards of contractor responsibility and eligibility for certain public contracts. In addition, Upper Darby Township recognizes the positive impact to the local community that firms receiving public contracts provide adequate wages and benefits to their employees and utilize fair business, employment, and training practices. Section 8 requires that a firm identified in a Notice of Intent to Award Contract, Subcontractor Lists, and Subcontractor Responsibility Certification shall be made immediately available to the public for inspection through a publicly accessible website or other comparable means.
2025-03: Request for Proposals (RFP) - Upper Darby Business Empowerment Hub - Reissued 3/18/2025
2025-03: Request for Proposals (RFP) - CDBG Consultant Engineer Services
2025-03: NOIA - CDBG Park Improvements
2025-01: Request for Proposals (RFP) - Upper Darby Business Empowerment Hub
2025-01: Notice of Advertisement - Bids for CDBG Park Improvements
2025-01: Request for Proposals (RFP) - CDBG General Technical Consulting Services
2025-01: Request for Proposals (RFP)- Consulting Services for Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Planning Project
2024-11: NOI to Award - Naylors Run at Drexel Gardens Park Letter
2024-11: NOI to Award - Dermond Field
2024-11: NOI to Award - 2024 Streets Resurfacing Letter 11.01.24
2024-10: Notice of Intent to Award: CDBG Long Lane Parking Improvements
2024-01: Notice of Intent to Award: Cobbs Creek Interceptor Relining - UDT-2023-13
2024-01: Notice of Intent to Award: Sewer-01
2023-10: Notice of Intent to Award: UDPD HQ Boiler Replacement
2023-10: Notice of Intent to Award: UDPD HQ Access Controls
2023-07: Notice of Intent to Award: Collenbrook Restoration
2023-07: Notice of Intent to Award: 2023 Resurfacing of Various Streets & ADA Curb Ramps
2023-07: Notice of Intent to Award: Arlington Cemetery Piper Repair & Relining
2023-02: Notice of Intent to Award: Cardington-Newtown Trail - Phase 1
2023-01: Notice of Advertisement: Bids for Cardington-Newtown Trail – Phase 1
2022-12: Notice of Intent to Award Fernwood Cemetery Stormwater Pipe Repair - Phase 2
2022-12: Notice of Intent to Award Fernwood Cemetery Stormwater Pipe Repair - Phase 2
2022-10: Notice of Intent to Award: Upper Darby Community Center - Plumbing Construction
2022-10: Notice of Intent to Award: Upper Darby Community Center - General Construction
2022-10: Notice of Intent to Award: Upper Darby Community Center
2022-10: Notice of Intent to Award: Market Street Streetscape from Chatham Road to South Millbourne Street
2022-10: Notice of Intent to Award: Upper Darby Community Center - Electrical Construction
2022-09: Notice of Intent to Award: Darby Creek Trail Extension -- Phase 2, Pedestrian Bridge Construction
2022-05: Notice of Intent to Award: Garrett Road Sidewalk Social Distancing
2022-05: Notice of Advertisement: Bids for Upper Darby Community Center
2022-05 Notice of Advertisement: Bids for Garrett Road Sidewalk Social Distancing
2022-04: Notice of Intent to Award: 2nd Ward Park Improvements
2022-04: Notice of Advertisement: Bids-Fernwood Cemetery
2022-04: Notice of Intent to Award: Upper Darby Police Sally Port
2022-03: Notice of Intent to Award: 2022 Resurfacing of Various Streets
2022-03: Notice of Intent to Award: Sellers Library Roof Replacement
2021-12: Notice of Intent to Award: Upper Darby Welcome Center Demolition
2021-11: Notice of Intent to Award: Solar Panel Project at Municipal Building and Watkins Senior Center
2021-11: Notice of Intent to Award: One Center Renovation - General Construction Bid
2021-11: Notice of Intent to Award: One Center Renovation - Plumbing and Mechanical Bid
2021-08: Notice of Intent to Award: Bond Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Replacement
2021-08: Notice of Intent to Award: 2021 Storm and Sanitary Sewer Relining
2021-07: Notice of Intent to Award: Lot 1 Municipal Parking Lot Improvements
2021-07: Notice of Intent to Award: 2nd Ward Playground
2021-07: Notice of Intent to Award: St. Eugene's Sidewalk and Curb Improvements
2021-07: Notice of Intent to Award: Roof Rehabilitation Project at the Municipal and Watkins Senior Center
2021-03: Conditional Notice of Intent to Award: Ferne Boulevard Streetscape Improvements - Rebid
2020-11: Conditional Notice of Intent to Award: Ferne Boulevard Streetscape Improvements
2020-10: Notice of Intent to Award: 2020 Resurfacing of Various Streets