NEW: One Center Request Line: 610-734-7625

Street Closure Petition (Block Parties)

Street Closures for Block Parties or Other Events

Guidelines for Seeking Permission to barricade a Township Street for Block Parties or Other Events

  1. A Petition signed by at least ninety (90) percent of the households on the block represented must be forwarded to Upper Darby Township, 100 Garrett Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082 or emailed to at least three (3) weeks prior to the event.
  2. A Street Closure Permit Request also must be completed and forwarded to Upper Darby Township, 100 Garrett Road, Upper Darby, PA  19082 or emailed to at least three (3) weeks prior to the event.
  3. Time permitted for street closure is 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM on the day of closure. At all times the street must be accessible to emergency vehicles.
  4. The petition will name an individual or individuals to be contacted in the event any problems occurring concerning the  time the street is closed. No permit will be issued without contact information of a responsible individual that will be present at the event. The Mayor's Office will be the sole decision authority on this matter.
  5. Council's office will recommend to the Mayor's Office, as soon as possible prior to the scheduled date, whether or not a permit to close the street should be issued. The responsible person on the petition and the local councilperson will be notified accordingly. Council's Office reserves the right to check with individuals that signed the petition to confirm their knowledge of the planned event.
  6. A SPECIAL PERMIT will be necessary if live bands or amplified music are used during the time the   street is closed. Failure to obtain this permit could cause the street closure permit to be revoked the day of the event should a band or amplified music operate or be included in the day's events.
  7. State highways and/or bus routes may not be closed. Vehicles of any type may not be used to block off any street. Wooden barricades or trash containers are permitted for this purpose. (All trash must be cleared from the street at conclusion of the event.)
  8. The Laws of the State of Pennsylvania and the Ordinances of the Township of Upper Darby concerning excessive noise, alcoholic beverage consumption, disorderly conduct, etc. must be adhered to at all times. Fireworks are not permitted at any time. If while the street is closed it is determined that underage drinking was allowed or if the police are called to the street and file a disturbance report, future permits may not be allowed.
  9. If and when complaints are received regarding the street closure, the Police Department will act accordingly. The Police Department has the right to recommend/advise the Council office that due to past Police experience on the petitioned street that no street closure permit should be issued.
  10. The Township will permit the closure of any street/block only ONCE during the calendar year.
  11. Whenever possible, the Township will provide barricades for the closing of the street but this is not guaranteed.

Download the Street Closure Guidelines and Petition: Street Closing Petition