- Walking Path - 0.2 Mile Loop
- Play Equipment - Ages 2-5 and 5-12
- Basketball Court
- 20' x 34' Pavilion
- Benches
- Bike Racks
- Tables
- Lighting
- Cameras
What do rain gardens do?
· Rain gardens provide habitat for pollinators, songbirds, butterflies and other wildlife.
· Rain gardens are a proven way to reduce water pollution in local streams and rivers.
What Makes a Rain Garden Different from Perennial Gardens?
·The primary difference is that rain gardens are bowl-shaped, not flat or raised like most perennial garden beds. You can plant many types of beautiful perennials in your rain garden, plus they serve as a tool to help manage rain water on your property. Attractive and functional – the best of both worlds!
Can I build a Rain Garden Myself?
Yes! Rain gardens are a perfect do-it-yourself landscape project. To help you get started, EMSWCD offers Rain Garden 101 workshops that will help you better understand the planning, design, and installation process for a residential scale rain garden