Exciting Developments in Our Parks!

Welcome to 2nd Ward Playground 

Park Amenities

New park amenities will include:  

- Walking Path - 0.2 Mile Loop
  - Play Equipment - Ages 2-5 and 5-12
  - Basketball Court
  - 20' x 34' Pavilion
  - Benches
  - Bike Racks
  - Tables
- Lighting
   - Cameras

Check out our progress throughout 2022! From public meetings in March all the way through construction this summer, the new and improved 2nd Ward Playground project moved steadily along throughout the year.


You will also find new rain gardens in the updated 2nd Ward Playground! Read below to learn more: 

What do rain gardens do? 

·  Rain gardens provide habitat for pollinators, songbirds, butterflies and other wildlife.

·  Rain gardens are a proven way to reduce water pollution in local streams and rivers.

What Makes a Rain Garden Different from Perennial Gardens?

·The primary difference is that rain gardens are bowl-shaped, not flat or raised like most perennial garden beds. You can plant many types of beautiful perennials in your rain garden, plus they serve as a tool to help manage rain water on your property. Attractive and functional – the best of both worlds!

Can I build a Rain Garden Myself? 

Yes! Rain gardens are a perfect do-it-yourself landscape project. To help you get started, EMSWCD offers Rain Garden 101 workshops that will help you better understand the planning, design, and installation process for a residential scale rain garden